This blog started out as “SewHappy” in 1998! Wowza! In internet years, I’m fossil fuel. I wanted to celebrate 15 years of helping you waste time (and possibly being educational) with a new theme, designed, like Pinterest, to help you waste more time as effortlessly as possible. It’s starting to feel a little more like home in here. :)
Leave a CommentCategory: Site Notes
I am moving the site from one host to another. I’ve done this many times before, but this time it’s not going so seamlessly. Please…
2 CommentsMy beautiful girl-cat passed on just after 5am on December 9, 2012. She was 18 1/2 years old. Some day, I might tell you more about that. But that day will be when I can remember it for the beauty of her last hours and tell you about some of the funny things she used to do (instead of tearing up and going all soppy over it). It will be when I’m feeling centered enough to face the possibility of feedback from Those With Firm Opinions(tm) and The Well Meaning(tm). Right now, I’m focussed on the obvious: I have been a crazy cat lady for literally half my life. I am out of cats. That makes me … just crazy? I’m thinking I might need a slightly updated self-definition.
11 CommentsSo I had a minute this evening (rare), and I’ve been testing upgrades on my local dial-a-nuke code playground and then applying them to this…
Leave a CommentI’m all Mac, all the time, except sometimes at one of the works where there’s a PC on my desk. (And, often, the PC gets shoved back so I can put my Air on the desk and work. My poor little first-version-2008-never-seen-anything-like-it-Air has a better set of debugging tools, starting with a flipping command line.) But I’ve been noticing one thing about the PC that I really like: it’s got a bigger monitor. Doing graphics on a 13″ screen is … painful. I didn’t even realize how painful until I started doing them on a 19″ screen. Noodle on this: all of the eBooks so far have been done on that small little screen… Yikes!
1 CommentYeah, right, so the girl who can’t be friends with FaceBook signed up with a twitter account. Really. What? Why? Because sometimes I get lonely when I’m out in the garage sewing and I want to talk about what I’m doing, but “Only 12 more bias strips to go! Whee!” hardly seems blog-able….
4 CommentsI’ve spent the last two days crawling through the inner workings of the site, trying to make it work better…. Half this post will read as “blah blah blah techno-blither blahdedattadee.” and I won’t be sad if you skip it. It’s mostly here to document some technical issues and how I resolved them, in case anyone is asking Google similar questions. ;)
Leave a CommentI’ve made some updates and corrections to the printer-friendly version of the Basic Conic Block directions. The updated file can be downloaded from the Downloads…
Leave a CommentSo I just realized that I’m getting a whole mass of 404s (ie, the dreaded “File Not Found” error). I don’t know why that was a surprise, since I moved everything last August. I’ve added little redirect-y pagey-poos for the worst offenders. I guess I should have done that last August…