It happens. We all loose our way some times. And we all reach for the seam ripper. I remember the way I was taught to…
2 CommentsMonth: February 2014
Since it’s that time of year when people here in the U.S. start thinking about what to do with their tax returns, I thought I’d…
Leave a CommentNot too long ago, we did up a sample of a simple vest with all-in-one facings. Here’s how to actually sew up a vest with…
2 CommentsOnce again, a sample has become a vest. (It’s funny how that happens the two weeks before we start to work on the real human-sized…
Leave a CommentGeometry is important in pattern making. I know I go off about that a lot, but it’s true, and it’s why I’m obsessive about squaring…
14 CommentsWe got saucy in class last week and decided to make something real out of our armscye princess line sample. (Samples are boring. We all…
Leave a CommentAnother one for my students, but really, this can be done with any basic blouse pattern. You’ll end up with a terribly attractive little smock.…
Leave a CommentLast week my class worked up an armscye princess manipulation, then worked it farther into a vest with facing. I’m breaking this down into two…
1 CommentOnce again, this is intended for my Flat Pattern students. If you are someone else’s student, do whatever your teacher tells you. This sample problem…
Leave a CommentOnce again, this is mostly for my students. If you are someone else’s student, do this however your teacher says. ;)
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