So, if the flurry of short posts isn’t a dead giveaway, I’m having massive fits of ADD today. I went out into the garage (aka, sewing room) to make a corset for Tyler. I haven’t even pulled the fabric for it yet. I made a little smocky-poo for Piggy, picked beads for the green thing, walking in and out of the house 62 thousand million times, and knitted part of a scarf. You know those days?
So, Miss Piggy now has a lovely little square necked smock, which sort of implies that I should make her a dress that requires such a thing. That wasn’t entirely on this week’s list of plans, but the week has gone a little crazy on me.
I did a mockup of a Pfalzgrafin corset designed to work with Tyler’s crazy little body proportions the other day.
Of course, if I do Miss P as Mary Tudor, I’m going to have to figure out how to work a french hood around her ears….
You know, my millinery class never covered people with ears on top of their heads. That’ll be an adventure. Tee hee! :)