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Category: Errata

Minor Tech Update

I’m all Mac, all the time, except sometimes at one of the works where there’s a PC on my desk. (And, often, the PC gets shoved back so I can put my Air on the desk and work. My poor little first-version-2008-never-seen-anything-like-it-Air has a better set of debugging tools, starting with a flipping command line.) But I’ve been noticing one thing about the PC that I really like: it’s got a bigger monitor. Doing graphics on a 13″ screen is … painful. I didn’t even realize how painful until I started doing them on a 19″ screen. Noodle on this: all of the eBooks so far have been done on that small little screen… Yikes!

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Seamstress seeks Mice. Must sew.

So, there’s some sort of mysterious rule of small business that says that the second you get into some sort of flow with the business plan you’ve committed to (my eBookies and patterns), a side job will pop up to tempt you with money. So you take it, because you need some of that, and then another side job pops up. So you take that too, because you’ve been living off savings trying to make a business and you’re worried that your bank doesn’t think you know how to use a deposit slip. And then another side job pops up, but this one promises to be regular income and the other two are one time gigs, and, I gotta tell you guys, regular income kinda rocks, so you take that too. So now I’m stupid busy with side jobs, but I have a plan for getting things done….


Repost: Sewing With Cats

This is a very old, possibly funny piece that I didn’t convert when I redid the site.  I’m reposting it now as a tribute to my big, beautiful, smelly boy cat, Gus.  Gus was half cat, half dog, and half ottoman – a mathematical quandary that he solved by being very large.  He was the bull cat, and for almost 12 years, he was a very good boy.  It’s an odd thing to say about a cat, but he was. *sniff*  Alright.  Enough soppiness….


Home Improvements

Just for something completely different, I’ve been working on redoing the bathroom.  (Well, no, technically I did it because mom told me to.)  So what happens when your friendly neighborhood sempstress trades in her sewing machine and scissors for a paint brush and a miter saw?  Here’s what’s been keeping me away from the computer….


Hey, whoa, whaddaya know, I’ve got a cart!

How totally cool is that? I’m using wp e-commerce, and in spite of all the problem reports, it seems to work just fine for my purposes (ye olde digital downloads). Well, at least, it seems to work just fine here. On my little test server (which is my mac, running Apache/mySQL through MAMP) it’s hopelessly cranky and will not produce download links for files purchased. Le sigh.

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